What is the cost of Indoor playground equipment for kids cafe

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Indoor playground equipment has led the new trend of children’s industry development for the kids cafe that integrates eating, drinking and playing, and has become the first choice for many young people to start their own businesses. For investors who are interested in business opportunities, what they are most concerned about is how much money it will cost to invest in indoor kids cafe? What investment budget should be considered?


Kids cafe have become a new trend of investment. How much does it cost to invest in indoor playground equipment for kids cafe?

How much does it cost for indoor playground equipment in kids cafe

The kids cafe theme restaurant mainly focuses on children’s entertainment and catering items, such as children’s catering + theme park + DIY baking + role-playing, etc., so that children can have a personal experience of “eating, drinking, playing and learning” here, creating a more interesting environment for children. The environment also provides parents with a quiet and relaxing social space. Adults can free their hands here, and easily date and chat with girlfriends and friends. This kind of kids cafe, which drives family consumption through children’s consumption, has become a huge market with “money” power, and is favored by investors.


The investment costs of kids cafe are mainly site rent, store decoration, product raw material procurement, introduction of store equipment and amusement equipment, personnel wages, water, electricity and miscellaneous expenses, and working capital, etc. kids cafe of different scales and kids cafe are located in different economic development situations. In different markets, the investment costs of kids cafe will vary to a certain extent.

     1.Kids cafe site rent


Renting a venue is the first step in the entire investment. Only when you find a suitable venue can you carry out other series of work. The rent of the venue is mainly affected by the location and area of the venue. Regarding the rent of venues, there is also a big gap in the cost of different locations in different cities.


According to industry experience, kids cafe are generally chosen in areas with a large number of people, and shopping malls and large shopping centers are good choices. These locations are all prime locations with relatively high passenger flow and well-developed traffic. Operators can often recover their costs in a short period of time. However, the rent of these venues is relatively high.


As for the venue of kids cafe, in addition to shopping malls, stores can also be used. Stores generally radiate to surrounding communities, and the target group of consumers is relatively stable.


Have you found a good venue? Have you confirmed your venue?


If your site has been fixed,Leqi team can send professional site plan, and then feed back the survey results to our designers. Our designers will help you with site planning based on your ideas. , make a rendering that satisfies you!

     2.Decoration cost of the kids cafe


Site decoration mainly includes floor laying, ceiling, lamps, wall decoration, etc., which is an indispensable link.


Regarding the venue decoration of the kids cafe, Haoxiangwan’s suggestion is that the decoration style should fit the style of the entire kids cafe. It is best to wait for the CAD renderings of the kids cafe to start the decoration.


     3.Indoor playground equipment cost for kids cafe


Anyone who has been to a kids cafe knows that it is not only a restaurant, but also a small children’s playground. Therefore, in addition to the basic equipment that must be configured in the store (such as: cooking equipment, dining tables and chairs, monitoring, tableware, fresh air system, air conditioning, etc.), amusement facilities are also part of the entire investment. The specific cost depends on the one you choose. The amusement items are determined, so the investment cost of the kids cafe still needs to be evaluated according to its actual situation.


     4.The cost of raw materials for the kids cafe


Most of the kids cafe are aimed at mid-to-high-end people. The ingredients and raw materials for dining here are all green, organic and environmentally friendly. Being close to nature is healthier and more environmentally friendly. The price difference of different raw materials is also relatively large.


5.Other expenses


In addition to the above, the capital investment of the kids cafe also includes employee salaries, water and electricity bills, early publicity expenses and working capital, etc.


The investment in kids cafe can be large or small. Investors should allocate funds reasonably according to their own conditions and make a good budget, so that there will be no funding gaps in the later stage.


If you choose Leqi indoor amusement equipment for kids cafe, we will provide you with all-round nanny support, from site selection evaluation, decoration design, opening training, operation management to marketing planning, all in one step, so as to save you from worries and help you to run successful business as soon as possible.


Alex Thompson
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